In the name of Jesus, your gift seed helps The Rapture Ministry succeed in its divine
mission to inform and spread to all Christians and non believers Christianity’s greatest
Archaeological discovery – the powerful, incontrovertible evidence of the discovery of a
secret Christian Order -The Divinatus – guardians of Jesus and the sacred code of Divine Knowledge which reveals the certainty of the Rapture, the End Times, the Second Coming and the 144000 who will be chosen for the kingdom of Heaven and eternal life with with Jesus Christ and God the Father.
Your gift seed supports The Ministry to help expand Christian’s knowledge of the
prophetic mysteries of the Rapture, the End Times, the Second Coming and the 144000
who will be chosen for the Kingdom of Heaven and eternal life with God at the
moment of the Rapture.
Your gift seed supports The Ministry to help pure, true Christians prepare and ensure to
be chosen by Jesus for eternal life with God at the moment of the Rapture.
Your gift seed supports and helps the Ministry publish Dr. Julians’ book of his landmark
discovery to give to its members the real truths the Rapture, the End Times, the Second
Coming and the 144000 who will be chosen for the Kingdom of Heaven and eternal life
with God. The gift seed donation is non refundable.
The Book – The Divanatus
Dr. Julians’ findings were exhaustively investigated with the Israeli Minister of Antiquities, the University of Gothenburg, the University of Copenhagen, and (CSAD) the Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents., leading researchers in translating ancient texts and artifacts. The discovery was also ratified by the Archaeological Society and the Christian Church.
Without explanation Dr. Julians findings have been seized by the government and now marked as classified and restricted. He has attempted by litigation to challenge the illegal seizure of his work and to release his findings so he can share his unprecedented, historical discovery with the Christian faithful.
It has been made obvious this is a discovery that the government does not want
Christians to know. The Ministry has not been given the reasons for the seizure.
Even faced with the possibility of prosecution if Dr. Julian made his findings public, this
will not deter his divine mission. He believes God has selected him to do God’s work to
be his Minister to prepare pure true believers for the kingdom of Heaven. Dr. Julian
believes it’s his Christian moral duty to provide and inform all Christians his discovery
of the real truths of the Rapture, the End Times, the Second Coming of Jesus, and the
144000 to be chosen for Heaven and eternal life.
Dr. Julian believes God instructed him to create The Rapture Ministry as a means and
platform to inform all Christians of his discovery and prepare all Christians for the
Rapture, the End Times, the Second Coming of Jesus.
Dr. Julian is self publishing a book of his discovery titled THE DIVINATUS – A SECRET
THE SECRET TRUTHS OF THE RAPTURE. * The book is only available to Christians who
join The Rapture Ministry and who have provided their gift seed donation of $25.0